Sweet, you found me!

Nice to meet you, I’m Thomas 👋

I create software and interactions

Basically concepts, interfaces, and strategies
(but also game designs in my spare time)


Do you want to know more?


Great, here you go (:


First game created in 2002

First application designed  in 2010; with Adobe Fireworks (sweet tool btw!)


I had my first Mac in 2010


Did you see the connection?

Fireworks and Mac? Same year.

Coincidence? Maybe…






I always aim for quality

Like, if you do something, do it right

Or don’t do it at all

But you should at least try

And maybe fail

To improve and get better


I also always have a vision in mind

Sometimes more, sometimes even morer (;

For me it helps with the motivation

And with communication inside a team


Also, I’m German

Wurst & Brezeln

Und Bier

Who doesn’t like that? (:


Well, I guess that’s it…


If you find bad grammar, that’s cool

Perhaps due to the fact 6 lines ago

 (or 5 lines ago, lol)



So, I hope you enjoy my work (:




Awesome! You really read the whole thing (:

Well, at least this part

That’s cool, too!




Have a sunny day ☀️

